Friday, March 14, 2008

Frogfish at Kortape Point

Hi all,

on Wednesday I found the home of a frogfish new to us during our boat dive at Kortape Point. It looks similar to the one found by All West Apartments guests Ilona and Bernd in Februaray (see photo).

We offer boat trips leading to Kortape every Wednesday starting 8:30 am at Ocean Encounters West. The first dive-site on these trips is Hell's Corner.

Kind regards

All West Apartments and Diving
Ocean Encounters West

Wale Shark at All West Curacao!!!

Over weeks now, we have been spotting eagle rays on a regular basis, same as 2 seahorses living right in front of All West Apartments (Thank you to Michael and Ilona for leaving me with these nice photo J):
On Tuesday this week, however, all this was topped by the most exciting encounter with a gigantic whale shark (at least 24ft long) that was spotted by our guests 2 times in our house reef and once right in front of our dive shop Ocean Encounters West at Playa Kalki!!! There has been more talking about that fish than about the group of approximately 30 dolphins passing by Playa Kalki on the same day.

Welcome to our blog!

To keep you informed about the news at Ocean Encounters West we opened this blog for you.

Feel free to also post your experience you had with us.